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Av veien gå Kart
Av veien gå Kart

XTM gå kart/av veien buggy er designet for folk i alle aldre. Mini 50 barn av veien buggy er egnet for barn mer enn 6 år gammel. Det uttalt med 163cc, 5.5hp trekke start og funksjoner 2-hjulet stasjonen og sentrifugal clutch, enkel kontroll med stopp / gå fots pedaler. Polstret topp pensel vakt, sid...

  • Racing Road Buggy For barn
    Sport Racing Road Buggy 200cc rød

    XTM bensin vogn er enkel drift av veien gå kart. Dette buggy racing er egnet for 8-16 år.Designet beste sport buggy for deg i vårt sinn, det kan håndtere bratt banker og skråninger tykk gjørmete spor!Du kan angi ønsket hastighet når du kontrollerer definere enkelhet med stopp / gå footpedals og en gass regulator.

  • Voksen alle Terrian 300cc gå Kart
    Voksen offroad gå Kart 300 XRS sølv

    XTM offroad gå Handlevognen er enkel operasjon alle terreng gå kart. Dette to seter gå kart er egnet for voksne. Designet beste offroad go-cart i våre sinn, det kan håndtere bratt banker og skråninger tykk gjørmete spor! Du kan angi ønsket hastighet når du kontrollerer definere enkelhet med stopp / gå footpedals og en gass regulator.

Mediesenter Mer >
  • Why are all-terrain firefighting motorcycles ATV and UTV so popular these days?

    Why are all-terrain firefighting motorcycles ATV and UTV so popular these days? ATV and UTV are suitable for emergency support in various scenarios In recent years, all-terrain fire-fighting motorcycles ATV and UTV have appeared in more fire situations. At the same time, due to their small size, flexibility, low fuel consumption, and safety and stability, today’s fire-fighting motorcycles are not only used in post-event rescue and disaster relief, but also in fire protection. Key areas and densely populated areas walk through the streets and alleys, and achieve the purpose of combining the three effects of publicity, patrolling and on-duty through the spread of common knowledge of fire prevention and fire fighting, inspection of fire hazards, and fixed-point duty. The end of the year is approaching, and people are densely populated. The fire prevention publicity before the event and the fire rescue after the event are equally important. A fire broke out in the shopping mall, and the all-terrain fire-fighting motorcycle could shuttle through various streets, stairs and the interior of the shopping mall, and rushed to the scene quickly. The all-terrain fire-fighting motorcycle body water mist system is imported from Italy and powered by an engine, which is conducive to controlling the spread of fire on the spot and the form of the early stage of the fire.

    2022-03-21 Les mer
  • XTM Employee Care For The Old People

    July 1, 2017, Saturday, Party's Day, Sunny day. In the afternoon, we organized an activities of Care for the community. Now I would like to talk about the feelings of this event. Personally opinion, it is really needed for the company to participate in public welfare activities every quarter. In the meantime, we can earn a feeling of pleasure and accomplishment which you can’t not feel in normal days. Why talk it in public? It is not to prove to others. But to publicize the idea of do public service and to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm and motivation. Everyone should have a sense of responsibility to society, even though we can do something insignificant, but to ourselves, to others, to the society, is a harvest. About the arrangement of this activity, I think it is a challenge for individual organizational skills, but also a chance to exercise. Since there was no previous experience, the activities of the organization is not successful in general. Preparation is not sufficient, which caused a certain embarrassing atmosphere to the follow-up activities . Even though, we have learned a lot from it. For example, accumulated experience for next similar activities , we need to prepare several sets of programs according to different circumstances and give a preparatory program; do full pre-investigation and so on. When we arrived at nursing home in the afternoon, the old people are sitting in the Canteen and watching TV. The feeling of my first glance is, how small the number of people? It is a big difference with the information provided by the contact. After checked, i found that a lot of old people lying in bed and can not to come. The second feeling is that many of them who sitting  here are mobility. Seeing their gray hair, wrinkled face, rickets body, some old man hemiplegia, shrinking hands do not listen to the call, some dementia.That moment i feeling distressed. These old people just like our grandparents. They dedicatetheir youth and strength without reservation to their family, children, society. They suffering, after years of vicissitudes. It is lamenting the years ruthless and life easy old and let us know the precious of life and youth of the short, we should be grateful to the elderly, cherish life. In addition, we all have different feelings. Summed up, firstly, we should care for the elderly in our daily life , give them some warmth; Secondly, we should call on the community, as children, should give your parents a little more love, spend more time to accompany them; Thirdly, as the younger generation, we should do more exercise, so you can have a strong physique, for your own future, and it can also reduce the pressure of your children. During the activities, we sing a few songs, also brought some fruit and milk for the elderly . At the same time, there are many nursing workers show their talent and bring a lot of joy. Activity time did not last for a long time. At the back of the stage, we give the elderly a massage. Most of the elderly can not speak Putonghua, but eyes of the exchange can also bring some comfort to them.  The old people began to their dinner at five o'clock in the afternoon, we sitting side of them and folding paper cranes. And we send them our blessings after their meal, hope they can be happy every day in the future. There are many details and touched in the activities, all in the words. After activities , we take a photo together and bid farewell. We are very sad, almost coming tears. Hope they are good and we can have more opportunity to go there and visit them. Below is the photos of this activity:

    2017-07-07 Les mer
Kundeservice Mer >
Sinomach Extreme Moto (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

kvalitetskontroll XTM legger høy vekt på kvalitet og alltid har vår innsats for å forbedre våre produkter kontinuerlig etter tilbakemelding fra kunder. Å sikre at kvaliteten på våre biler og andre produkter, vår QC staber har strenge leverandør evalueringer, i fremadstormende inspeksjoner, pågår inspeksjoner, siste inspeksjon og før levering inspeksjoner. Vi test grundig hvert kjøretøy etter montering av våre toppmoderne simulatorer og faktisk veien testene. Hvert kjøretøy er endelig inspisert ved hjelp av vår over hundre point Sjekkliste før emballasje. Den viktigste er at vi lytter til hva kundene våre sier og alltid ser etter måter å forbedre kvaliteten på våre produkter gjennom kontinuerlig forbedring. deler tilgjengelig XTM har gjort en forpliktelse å være øverst i linje med bedre kunde tjenester. Vi har reservedeler for umiddelbar levering til hvor som helst i verden. Mens våre biler bli standard med flere funksjoner enn noen andre, vi også tilby flere valgfrie deler for våre biler enn noen andre. høy kvalitet gratis forhold å holde vår kompetente på markedet, vi streber etter å få den beste prisen produkter basert på strenge kvalitetsstandard at våre produkter er av høy kvalitet gratis forhold og vi gi alltid mest nøyaktig og oppdatert informasjon for leverandører i på markedet god garanti vi tar kundetilfredshet og produktkvalitet som første prioritet for oss. Vi leverer pålitelig ett år garantier og effektiv ettermarked tjenester. vil i tilfelle noen klage mottatt, vårt serviceteam vil ta umiddelbart for å samle informasjon og holdt møter med QC dept. reservedeler være klar i en uke! effektiv service vi er klar til å gjøre et svar innen 12 timer til forespørsel og querries. Ta gjerne kontakt Når spørsmål du kan ha med hensyn til våre biler, produkter eller service du har mottatt. XTM service team For jevn forsendelse og effektiv etter salg service, XTM har en profesjonell serviceteam som vil gi rettidig oppdatering av produksjon og forsendelse status for kundens 1ste hånd informasjon hjelpe behøvde i Kina selv inkluderer booking Hotell tolketjeneste etc, vi vil alltid ha et team her for å hjelpe deg! Agent tjenesten tilgjengelig å tilfredsstille våre kunder etterspørsel, vi har oppsett langsiktig og pålitelig forbindelser med mange kinesisk kjøretøy leverandører . Vi blir mer og mer konkurransedyktige i produktet kvalitet, kostnadskontroll og del forsyning, som gjør våre kunder svært konkurransedyktige i sine markeder.

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